Domain Analysis
I must admit although the readings on this method make sense, I was a bit confused when applying it myself. I chose to look at a virtual interaction, on the Understanding Islam discussion forum. I looked at a string of discussion posts under "Muslim Women and their Rights" for the analysis. The following were some words used in the discussion: noble, rights, Allah, authority, misused, taken advantage of, true males, work together, equal respect, honor, mercy, faith, courage, degradation, beautiful, taken advantage of. I noticed this discussion centered around the kinds of values or beliefs many Muslims have regarding women, as it contrasts with values and beliefs a "true Muslim" should have based on scripture regarding women. The discussion of Muslim women's rights focuses on abuses women face, but only one person made the distinction that abuse of women should be viewed as a separate issue from religious values and the Islamic belief system. The major domain represented here was "values". My experience with this assignment was frustration, mainly. It was an unfamiliar method and felt really basic on paper but complex during the actual process. I think one advantage of choosing a virtual interaction is it is already written down and I can go back to it repeatedly. A disadvantage is that sometimes it is hard to express things and communicate online, and sometimes meaning is lost. I would like to try this method again, perhaps when I feel more clarity about it, as it could be useful in my research.
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