Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Research Abstract

(Credit and thanks to Engy and Demi for the abstract here)
Our research will address the effect of information politics on the information seeking behavior in the Dutch Islamic community in the Netherlands.
Addressing the global dichotomy between fact and generated media about Islam is the focus of this research study, with three overlapping components. First, the politics behind the choice of which information is made available by information dispersing organizations (back-end information politics), will be studied. Second, the effect of information politics on the Muslim population information seeking behavior, their general understanding of their own image as an immigrant group, as well as the native Dutch reaction and views of political media portrayal of Muslims will be observed, studied, and assessed. The final component is the Dutch Islamic community and its culture in Amsterdam.

With an increase in migration, the Netherlands has become the home of a large and influential Islamic community. Current events show that there is a cultural clash between the civilizations of the West, and Islam. Therefore, it is important to try to understand the underlying factors behind the success/failure of co-existence between the Dutch and the Muslim communities in the Netherlands. The Netherlands is a political model for the rest of the world as well as a social model for much of the western world because of the success of their liberal social policies. How and what information on this situation is made available to the Dutch people, and therefore the rest of the world, is relevant because information directly affects people’s views and their understanding of the world.

Data collection will combine a variety of research methods including interviews, online surveys, general field observations, and internet research using a variety of digital technologies. We will attempt to clarify the reasons behind the current clash of cultures through efficient study of the role of information, communication and media politics.

1. What, if any, information politics are involved in the availability of information (on the Islamic community) in the Netherlands?
2. What is the information seeking behavior in the Netherlands?
3. What information is available on the Islamic community in Amsterdam?
4. How accurate is the information that is made available to the public on the Islamic community?


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